Report Outline
Geological Summary and Map Atlas of Mexico’s Hydrocarbon-Producing and Hydrocarbon-Prospective Basins
by James Lee Wilson* and Clif Jordan
- contains a geological synthesis of each basin
- contains over 70 oil and gas field studies
- contains new source rock data base
- has reserve estimates from Pemex (as of 1/99)
- has a comprehensive list of technical references at the end of each chapter
- 139 pages, each measuring 18” x 12”, in color
- contains 179 figures, 4 tables
- contains translations and interpretations by authors with over 70 years of experience in Mexico
Atlas Outline (chapter by chapter)
- Introduction
- The Sureste Basin
- Campeche Shelf
- Macuspana Basin
- The Reforma Chiapas-Tabasco fields
- Comalcalco Basin
- Isthmus Saline Basin
- References
- Yucatan Block
- Peten Basin
- Stratigraphy
- Petroleum exploration history and field development
- Field Studies
- References
- The Veracruz Basin
- Regional Stratigraphy and Tectonics
- Cretaceous reservoirs
- Tertiary reservoirs
- Chicontepec Channel fill
- References
- The Tampico-Misantla Basin
- Tectonic Setting
- The Regional Mid-Cretaceous Unconformity
- Late Jurassic Fields
- San Andres Oolite Reservoirs
- Valles-San Luis Potosi Platform
- Tuxpan or Golden Lane Platform
- References
- The Burgos Basin
- Tectonic setting of Burgos basin
- Stratigraphy and closely related structure
- History of Petroleum Production
- Pemex plans for future development in the basin
- References
- The Sabinas Basin
- Structure
- Traps, seals, and production
- References
- The Sonoran Embayment
- Structure
- Traps, seals, and production
- References
- The Pedregosa Basin and Chihuahua Trough
- Structure
- Traps, seals, and production
- References
- Baja California and other basins
- Structure
- Traps, seals, and production
- References
- Shallow and deep-water Gulf of Mexico
- Shore and shelf areas
- Deep-water Tertiary and Quaternary detrital clastics
- Mexican Ridges
- References
- Summary and Conclusions
Two man-years were spent producing this Atlas. It starts with the Campeche Shelf and proceeds to rim the Gulf Coast of Mexico, going north to the Burgos Basin, then westward up the Rio Grande valley. Each chapter is a stand-alone summary of 11 Mexican basins, with most production along the Gulf side of the country. Many figures were translated from obscure references, modified, redrafted, and colorized for good communication; each figure is included as a jpg file. A meter-tall stack of references were condensed to form the foundation of the Atlas. It is well organized and "puts you on the ground running" if you don't have a long history of work in Mexico. It's an excellent way for a team to catch up or lay a foundation for future work.
This is a special proprietary report and is available only through